
Experimental - Socio-critical - Generative
These three words most aptly describe the themes, style and working methods of the artist YOOL.

At the beginning of his career there were questions upon questions: Does a canvas have to be flat ? Aren't the fingers more genuine tools for applying paint than the brush? How can you get a viewer to look more closely? Can everything really become art? When is a portrait a portrait? Is style more important than effect?
And so on.....and so on ....
The artist sought an answer in experimentation. And experiment means success or failure. But one thing remained certain: the gain in knowledge.

Since 1972, since the first report of the Club of Rome, everyone must be aware that we are living wrongly, politicians, companies, indeed every individual. There is no "more and more" on a limited planet. Science had warned: We are destroying the basis of our life.

The results are well known.
Today, the new report gives us a devastating report card. Without great sacrifice and upheaval, we will not endure.
Much of the work of the artist YOOL is devoted to this dilemma, mainly in the form of large-scale acrylic paintings and video clips.

The computer has become an essential tool for the artist, both for preparing analog paintings and for creating purely digital works of art. In doing so, he appreciates the computer's tremendous flexibility and speed in providing variations.

Back in 2006, YOOL began using simple algorithms to get the computer to fabricate black-and-white doodles. Today, his agenda includes highly complex generative works, volatile, virtual 3D sculptures that vary their components of shape, color, and movement in limited areas each time the program is restarted.